Review: Mechaniclism by Lynn Lamb

 Mechaniclism Cover 

135 pages, Apocalyptic Horror

The greatest strength of this novella lies in the characterisation. Lynn Lamb has a gift for creating compelling and well-rounded characters with a great economy of words. Mechaniclism crosses back and forth between two characters separated by time (over 400 years) and space, who are nonetheless linked.

Ireland Barton is a brilliant young scientist with SCID, a severe immune condition which forces her to live life within the confines of a specially designed habitat, without any direct human contact.

Frederick Jori is a 17th century clockmaker imprisoned, tortured, and forced to create a village of automatons for Lord August Godwine. It is Jori’s descent into madness as a result of his treatment that sets events in motion that will have a devastating effect on the world centuries later.

As their timelines intersect in modern San Fransisco, a plague is unleashed upon the world that threatens to wipe out humanity. Can Ireland find a cure before it’s too late?

Overall, I found Mechaniclism to be an enthralling and satisfying read, and finished it in one sitting. I just couldn’t put it down once I started. There is a gripping intensity to this novella that demands you keep turning the pages, and though I wished it could have been longer, and maybe expanded on certain ideas, any extra words would only detract from the rapid-fire pacing.

The parallels drawn between the isolation suffered by both Ireland and Jori are fascinating, and the plot moves along at a rapid pace, switching back and forth between time periods while never leaving the reader confused or disoriented.

Recommended for fans of apocalyptic horror that like fast-paced, well-written fiction.

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